
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

There's a Fiesta in My Mouth

Superior Bar and Grill
3636 St. Charles Ave. (Uptown on St. Charles Streetcar Line, Stop #21)

Reason:       The strongest margaritas in town.

Drink:           Margarita: frozen or on the rocks, original or strawberry.
Drank:              Imported beer: straight from the sands of Mexico
Drunk:         Shot of Patron: never a bad idea

mindless musings:
It might not be the best margarita we’ve ever had and it’s certainly not the best Mexican food we’ve ever had. Thus, Superior Grill has forced us into the realization that our ratings of Mexican restaurants are largely based on quantity and not quality. And as Superior Grill continues to offer us immense portions of Mexican flavored morsels, we continue to find ourselves happily going back for more and more.

Our trips to Superior usually involve grabbing a Margarita to go, as it’s perfectly located uptown on St. Charles, allowing for easy access during Mardi Gras and the 5pm drive home from work. However, we understand that sometimes Mexican food and margaritas deserve a whole night of dedication. At Superior, you should have no trouble finding a table to gorge yourself at over lunch or on a weeknight, but do expect an hour wait on Friday and Saturday nights, especially for big groups. However, any day of the week will ultimately be a good day to dine as the chips are crispified on site all day long, and delivered promptly to your table upon ordering your drink. And we could happily wait for a table for 3 hours with that kind of gratuity.  

But if the free chips don’t assuage the inconvenience of a long wait, we don’t think you should necessarily blame the size of the restaurant (it’s huge) or the effort of the wait staff (they try real hard). But please feel free to blame yourself and your fellow patrons.
Seriously, there are like 175 tables to wait on in this joint
Thus we introduce our first post utilizing our Ethnic Restaurant Behavior Theory:

Normal Restaurant Behavior (the other NRB acronym):
1.      Everyone decides on what they want to eat and orders individually.
2.      Everyone in the group orders a single order when the waiter approaches the table.

Mexican Restaurant Behavior (MRB):
1.      Everyone decides what they want to eat and orders individually.
a.       Then while the order is being taken, half of the table changes their mind at the last second because they suddenly decide they want to:
                                                                          i.      give in and share the fajitas
1.      (even though they were secretly aware the whole time that consuming the entire fajita plate on their own would be sheer madness.)
                                                                        ii.      not order anything and dine solely on the complimentary chips and salsa all night
1.      (and give others at the table disapproving glances as everyone tries to consume their fair share of the free food. Because, everyone should recognize that she obviously didn’t order anything because she is poor and/or trying to lose weight. Therefore, if you’re still going to eat the chips and salsa, you don’t care that she can’t afford food and/or agree that she should lose weight.)
2.      Everyone orders as a group when the waiter approaches the table.
a.       Then the table proceeds to individually shout for the waiter every time he/she comes within a 20 foot radius, because you are desperately lacking:
                                                                          i.      an imported beer you can’t pronounce,
                                                                        ii.      some more free salsa,
                                                                      iii.      some more free chips,
                                                                      iv.      some more free chips and salsa,
                                                                        v.      a frozen strawberry margarita with a sugar rim (because any extra salt in your diet would make you bloat…)

However, as chauvinistic as you decide to be about it (and if you’re an American we’re banking on a high level of chauvinism) Superior’s waiters will dutifully concede to your incessant demands and bring you that 6th bowl of free salsa. But while you’re stomach is churning and gurgling from the toxic pH level you’ve allowed it to achieve, don’t go with your instinct to blame Mexico. All Mexico did was helped to make New Orleans a little more delicious and a lot more intoxicated. So get out there and live the Mexican/American/NewOrleanian dream at Superior Grill.

Fun Fact: 85% of the construction workers that helped rebuild New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina were Mexican Americans.

“Laissez les bon temps rouler”
          - The 7th Bowl of Free Salsa

Insider Tips:
Chips and Salsa:          Complimentary
Margaritas:                  Not complimentary

Dos Equis Lager:        Green bottle
Dos Equis Amber:       Brown bottle

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