
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The 3rd Most Hated Hurricane in New Orleans

Pat O’Brien’s (Pat O’s)
718 St. Peter’s Street (Bar and Piano Bar) 624 Bourbon Street (Restaurant/Courtyard)

Reason:       It’s the bar your dad went to when he came to New Orleans in college.

Drink:           What ever you do don’t order a Hurricane.
Drank:                         Ugh, fine… order one Hurricane if only to say you’ve had one.
Drunk:         Endless rounds of Gin Fizzes and Miller Lites

mindless musings:
Pat Os must have been the most popular bar in New Orleans in the 1970s’. And I’m making this assumption solely based on the countless number of people who come into town and ask:
-          “My dad said that I really need to go to this bar that invented The Hurricane.”
-          “My uncle said that I really need to go to this bar on Bourbon that has a big courtyard.”
-          “My boss said that I really need to go to this place that sounds Irish and has an O in it.”
Sometimes the only information a tourist will provide me with is:
-          “This old guy on the plane said there is some bar I really need to go to.”
Call me Sherlock Holmes, but I have a feeling each of these recommendations are referencing Sir Pat O’Brien; pianobar/courtyard/touristtrap/fakedrink extraordinaire.

Yet, despite Pat O’Brien’s being a staple stopping point for tourists, for all the wrong reasons, I can’t say that I don’t still love Pat O’s (I know, it’s hard for me to love most anything…).

Thus Pat O’s is officially being awarded the coveted SBIG Award (So Bad It’s Good)

So come on, let’s go, begrudgingly, I mean happily, ugh, I mean woohoo… to Pat O’Brien’s!!!
This packet of Hurricane Mix is
all-natural, right?

Exhibit A: The Hurricane

So Bad: For a city that is on the forefront of Mixology and professionalism in general alcohol consumption – Pat O’Brien’s is still able to convince every single tourist to make it a point to come and experience their version of the drink: The Hurricane. Yes they are the original creators, but while other places are making it drinkable making the drink with alcohol and fresh fruit juice, Pat O’s is busy giving us diabetes with their version. Really, does a pre-concocted-kool-aid-esque-sugar-mix that is haphazardly combined with cheap alcohol only to be promptly served to you in a souvenir glass sound like something you want to be a part of? (If you have surpassed your 22nd birthday then it better not.)

Pat O’s even has the audacity to charge you extra for the souvenir glass, which you don’t know you’re being charged for, don’t know you can keep, and don’t know you can return and be reimbursed for at the end of the night. Surprising that they don’t inform each individual customer of this bowling shoe type rental process, isn’t it? Because seems like such a conventional concept…

If they cared enough to give it it's own
professional photo shoot, then I can...
no, no, I just can't.

It’s Good: But as much as my stomach turns over at the thought of a Pat O’s Hurricane, I will still allow you to order one. That’s right, I said ONE (although, I’d really prefer it if you ordered only one and enough straws for your entire group.) New Orleans still recognizes Pat O’Brien’s as the creator of one of the city's most signature drinks and thus we must pay homage for their efforts. And you can easily make the plea that the only reason they have to mass produce them so shabbily is because each and every one of us has wanted to try one.

Touché, Pat O’s, touché.

“Laissez les bon temps rouler”
          -Hurricane Hater

Insider Tip:
When considering purchasing your second Hurricane, also consider: saving your money, saving yourself an upset stomach and saving yourself a Hurricane of a hangover.

Coming Up: stay tuned for 3 more exhibits on why Pat O’s is So Bad It’s Good…

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